Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Remember how in primary school we learnt that the only 2 mammals in the world that lay eggs are the platypus and the spiny anteater? Well, I learnt today that another name for the spiny anteater is Echidna.

The big acquisition was finally announced in the press today and we can finally speak about it freely without referring to it as Project Porc.up.ine and we can start calling the companies by their real names instead of silly things like Bad.ger, Ro.dent, and yes, Echidna. Looks like BH.P is not in for a easy ride given such negative press, but I do hope they get through so that all our hard work will not be in vain! To be fair we wasted most of the weekend waiting on M&A to provide a working financial model, which one would think they are paid to be competent for. We would have gotten everything done much quicker had we started on our own model, sheesh, and at least I'd know what the model's trying to say, even with my half-baked modelling skills. Already started getting teased by people today about "the failed deal that we spent so much time on"; was at a buddy lunch so I missed the action in the office today when SR first saw the news on TV and shouted across the floor to R about it so everyone knew.

I've become buddy supreme. Just added another buddy to my collection today, so now I have 4 official buddies I need to ensure integrate well into the firm, heh. Been doing so much of this peripheral stuff I haven't had a lot of time to do proper work, not that I'm really complaining. Having some sort of variance in work is always nice. Having said that, Amee and I are rather appalled with our intern buddies, who were given a Brera coffee voucher each for 2 coffees + £10 worth of anything. We set up a coffee session this evening, only to find out that they have conveniently lost the voucher, didn't apologise and didn't even volunteer to pay for our drinks! Not that we are being petty, but surely that reflects quite poorly on character, plus they are quite awkward socially and would only answer questions posed at them! One would think that going to some of the best universities in the country and world would contribute to some character-building, but no!

Am gonna film part of some new campus recruitment video tomorrow too. I suspect they were just trying to prove diversity, and I think I fit that quite nicely, being 1. Female in a male-dominated workplace 2. Asian working in a European Bank 3. Not in Front Office, and 4. having a strange accent when I speak.

One day I'll look back at the things I do at work, and laugh.


  1. knucles from sonic is an echidna! like sonic the hedgehog..

  2. Carol the movie star!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! :)

  3. hahaha i wanna see the video when it's done too!

  4. Hope you spoke s.l.o.w.l.y. for the video :p

  5. @ sebas given my lack of cartoon knowledge and the geek I am, i didn't know that Sonic the hedgehog had echidna friends! i only learnt about spiny anteater from the science textbook in primary school

    @ the rest, the video is not gonna be show on the website, thankfully! it's part of a video they show when they actually go to the campuses... phew. I probably spoke quite quickly because it is extremely weird talking to a camera and looking it in the eye. plus i couldnt remember my lines so i just rambled something i made up, haha. and it only lasts about 1 min.

  6. I'm so gonna ask for the DVD!!! Steve will oblige i bet.
