collected my wedding gown today, and like I predicted, those measurements the lady took at the shop last time were too good to be true! size 4, come on... i'd be quite happy being an 8.
the dress fit, but i wouldn't have been able to stay in it for more than half an hour without suffocating; and i'd quite like to breathe normally on my wedding day, thankyouverymuch. anyway, so it's too late to order another dress in size 6 or something larger, so i guess i'll either just pay £30 for the tailors to take it out slightly at the waist, or i'd have to make sure i lose some flab to fit it!
to be quite honest, exercise has taken much a back-seat in recent months. ever since the CFA classes started, the thought of going to the gym or exercising never even crossed my mind. Since i still eat the same amount of food/ junk food, and the miracle of youthful metabolism isn't quite working to my favour anymore, i can feel the inches getting added on. all that will have to change very soon, starting in 2 weeks. though i wish i could go do something NOW.
guess my health is also starting to deteriorate. Just as I was starting to get complacent about not having been stricken by serious illness since moving here, i nearly passed out at work (again!). absolutely hate causing unnecessary drama and having all the boys in the office find out the reason why, but i'm just thankful that they are all so sweet and nice. 2 of them even walked me down to the sick bay just in case i fainted on the way... and the only other lady in my team insisted on taking me home in a cab. i'm truly blessed. on a lighter note, that blue shirt i have in my wardrobe is cursed - was wearing that same shirt when i last fainted at work, and also when i got knocked down by a bicycle. coincidence?
owell, like daddy says, i just have to deal with one thing at a time. and it is now time to study. just finished the 1st part of my 1st mock exam. couldn't sit there for the whole duration of the paper (3 hours), as expected, but just rushed through and did it in 2. the result: a multitude of errors. Somehow just can't seem to remember the gazillion things and grasp some key concepts, especially in the area of economics (yucks! who even cares?). God help me in these last 2 weeks.
better return to the horrible books, and save my story finally using the NHS for another time.