Monday, August 04, 2008

RIP, little red umbrella.

london is not the place for umbrellas, regardless of how heavy the rain. either the rain will stop the moment you try to open an umbrella (since the weather changes once every 2 mins), or the poor umbrella won't survive the winds.

the latter was the fate of the red umbrella ren left for me. i used it a grand total of ONCE, before it met its fateful end. been carrying it around regularly, but never ever used it. until today. today was quite a disastrous day. planned to go to the market in the morning to get something for sharon, as well as check out king's cross station (for platform 9 and 3/4). alas, i walked to the tube station, only to find it closed for the entire weekend for renovations. sigh. they ALWAYS do things like that in london on weekends. grrr. so i made a rash decision to check out the tower of london instead, since it's been sitting within my view since i moved here and i havent stepped inside. it wasn't that spectacular, and i'll post pictures some other time (i.e. it's not gonna happen haha.)

went home and got ready to go to church but it was raining again outside. and with the station closed, i had to walk 20 minutes to the next station. i was barely 5 minutes into my journey, crossing good ol' tower bridge, and the wind was just tearing the poor umbrella apart. 2 spokes broke, and i decided to walk in the rather heavy rain. sighhh. (then again, european rain isn't really heavy heavy in the singapore sense la huh, as jiamin would say - gu niang rain). until the wind blows, that is.

sorry sharon, do you want me to go buy you another red umbrella from primemark? haha.

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